Aki-chan's Life

A visit to the Grandparents - "This is where Mama came from?" - 201
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Alright, finally done with the layout for these last few pages (please don't expect them to be out much more faster though... -_-). As for this one:
Like, seriously, who didn't go up a slide? Down is easy, up is the challenge! :P

There's certainly more modern games out there than Mensch ärgere Dich nicht (also probably ones more suitable for a 4 years old, but that's why she has Mama's assistance). It is still a popular one though.

I couldn't quite decide on the sleeping arrangements (other than an air mattress being involved), so ... (to be continued)

Originally had intended for them to go to a more common Freibad (wikipedia offers Lido as English variant, but doesn't sound quite the same?), but I guess that's partially due to it being summer right now. Since I had them wearing jackets all the time, the parents even with long sleeves indoors, I figured it might be a bit too chilly for that there at the moment though. So I opted for indoor waterpark instead. Probably more fun anyway, if it weren't for that stupid "silly rubber thingy's", as B123 recently put it (which was coincidental, but certainly fitting as I had been contemplating to feature them again, though her being miffed about them was certainly an influence I got from that ;) ).

I guess the cold should have also gone against them going out for an ice. But I kinda wanted to add that, since I learned only recently that Spaghettieis (yeah, I know, it's not that greatly visible ^^) is actually somewhat of a German specialty. Can't say I had it often (if ever?) myself, but it's certainly well known here.

Well, not much to say, just a little walk through the woods. Though I like Shinji having mixed feelings about not carrying Aki yet again, while also having some of the "requested" bonding.
I was kinda thinking of switching it around for the next panel to explain why she'd even needed to be carried around, but that thought came rather late and I didn't want to switch things around yet again (which I already did a lot when storyboarding these upcoming pages... -_-).

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