
Aki21217 views:)

[old sketch]Bardiel concept3263 views


Chapter1AE-2285 viewsGuest illustration by Dako (@TheOmar043)


[line]Doll5819 viewsNever got to color it properly... :(

[concept]"Mari" Suzuhara15484 viewsA bit odd to start the new character concepts with a character I'm not even sure I'm ever going to use - she's too old to be in Aki's kindergarten class, after all. But her design was pretty easy: some resemblance to her brother, also having a somewhat sporty look to fit the family. Only those leg-stabilizer-things would use a better, less clunky look.
If she ever appears, she probably won't actually be called "Mari" though - I don't like going with the masses and with the new Rebuild chara apparently having that name, it might start to fade as acronym for Toji's sister eventually anyway.

Offspring11848 viewsAs I can't do the full description here, feel free to check on dA: https://www.deviantart.com/jimmywolk/art/Offspring-866286014 :)

6054 viewsAn older pic of Asuka with Aki. Aki's head doesn't seem quite right and it's a little "grey-ish"

Aki3103 viewsDespite (or maybe just because) being rather simple, this is one of my favorites of all pics I ever did, even if she's looking a bit older than she's supposed to be in T2t.

16th Teaser(?)3861 viewsWell, not so much of a teaser as that last pic. This one's actually for the chapter itself.
Tried myself on a new prog for the outlines, but I guess that still needs some training. And yeah, curtains pretty much suck.

[old sketch]Shinji20 concept2415 views
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