Aki-chan's Life

A visit to the Grandparents - "This is where Mama came from?" - 204
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Quite a few last minute changes with this one, the biggest obviously the second panel. Initially had Shinji with Asuka as she gives them the invitation... but since I couldn't quite squeeze in Aki waving from the taxi in the third (and couldn't really get an extra panel in without messing up the remaining outline), well, it would have felt off not to have her giving her farewell (I actually kinda feel bad that I couldn't get a hug in, but as said, it took me long enough to get the remaining outline in place so I wasn't really keen to shake that up again at this point).

Speaking of the third panel - the additional bubbles were added when I realized probably no one but me would get the joke about their reaction, as they'd likely be aware by now that the two would get married. But while I allured to it in various places before, many of you probably won't have in mind: In the T2t epilogue, Shinji says they're getting married again in "three weeks" - and since he didn't lose a single word about the trip, it would mean that the epilogue is before this chapter, so yeah, not much time really. :P
(and yeah, it obviously wouldn't say "next week", but I don't want to give dates, so there... ;P)

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