Aki-chan's Life

Magic Hat - "Can't I wear my own things?" - 86
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Well, there she goes, running of to make friends. *sigh* They grow up so fast...

Hope everyone and only those who confirmed their newsletter got one. In case you missed or accidentally deleted your confirmation mail, I've added an option to resend it to the newsletter page.

On a different note, I've been thinking for quite a while to get a proper domain. Not only is "jimmywolk.studenten-froendenberg.de/eng" a bit long and not exactly easy to remember, there's also the question if I'll ever move to a different server in which case I probably couldn't take this url with me. Not having any plans to do so at the moments, but you'll never know what's in a few years.
However, I just can't decide on a good one. I wouldn't want it to be anything AcL-exclusive (ie. "aki-chans-life.org") - even if it's rather quiet around my fics and other art, I wouldn't want to sideline my other stuff. "jimmys-fics"? "jimmys-works"? If you have an idea, I'm all open for it! :)

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