Aki-chan's Life

Visiting NERV - "Mama and Papa work here?" - 27
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Meet Bob (apologies to all the Bobs out there), one of the proud men and women of the Abyss Cleaning Crew - someone has to do that job too, after all...
This was actually for a long time the only concrete idea I had for this chapter aside from the overall "DNA Test at NERV"-thing. And now the chapter ended up even longer than the first (33-34 pages, depending if/how you count the cover and double page in - and I'm only done up to 10, oh my...)

I guess it actually goes a bit against T2t with Asuka (trying to be) the stern one and Shinji the one having a hard time to raise his voice. But especially Asuka's reaction wouldn't really have fitted that way around.

If you saw the sketch of this page I posted earlier in the news, you might have noticed "Bob" standing instead of sitting at the side. Dunno, it seemed to make more sense for him to have a cup of coffee in his hand during lunch break than mid-work...

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