72. Fan-Fanworks again - by JimmyWolk
[09.05.21, 10:36]
I would like to give a shout out to the fan-fanworks for recent additions.
Long-time follower B123 started a series of T2t-short stories, and there's a new art by MRA Artworks, which is funny since I could consider me a fan, I guess (so, fan-fan-fanwork? fan-ception?).

Thanks again to everyone doing these, always means a lot to me. :3


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71. Site updates and branching out a bit more - by JimmyWolk
[06.02.21, 14:34]
You might have noticed (though I wouldn't be too surprised if most haven't), I've removed the "Other Works". Let's face it, no one was coming here for a character overview and summary of my childhood super hero story that I'll probably never get to develop into a full thing, or a summary of a flash video that hasn't been available for the longest time and was full of insider gags that I don't even get anymore. Never mind that I never got/bothered to replace the "placeholder" character images - which have been around for almost two decades now.
The main reason I still had that up at all was that it gave a bit of a background on where my pen name "JimmyWolk" came from. So I replaced it with a "Jimmy Who?" section to give a short explanation on that instead.

You might also have or haven't noticed me spreading out a bit more:
I already put it in a previous AcL note, but I've started my Youtube career. :p
Clip Studio added a functionality to record timelapses, so I've started uploading them here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxQNCnKQQpXvfQ4iNwXcaig

On the fanfic front, after a request and me learning that I don't have to go begging for an invitation, I uploaded my stuff to AO3. Though, aside from a few additional notes here and there, obviously nothing substantial that you wouldn't find here or elsewhere already.

Also on the picture front, continuing my trend of being late to the party, I've finally gotten around to setup a pixiv account as well. Also nothing new there though, actually not even everything old. Given that uploading (or rather setting up the upload, comment, tags,...) takes some time, I figured I'd limit it to personal favorites (even if I had a hard time deciding ^^).


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70. More Fan-Fanworks - by JimmyWolk
[05.10.20, 20:11]
Since it's already been a while (that was early last year? Geez...), might as well give a little reminder about the fan-fanworks page, since a few short stories have been added since the last time I wrote about it, so feel free to check them out. :)

And of course, more is always welcomed. ;)


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