Aki-chan's Life

A visit to the Grandparents - "This is where Mama came from?" - 168
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Aaand, we're finally back on track, so to speak. Sorry, it's been much longer already than I had intended - and I don't even have much to show for it. My plan was to finish up the script, do all the storyboarding, have a good chunk of pages sketched and if possible even more than one page inked and start back again around March/April. And it started out pretty decently in December, got a good chunk of the script done, even looked into doing a drawing course to improve a bit and prepared a new alternative to the newsletter for those of you not wanting to sign up for that (dunno if the RSS ever was relevant). More on that later, if you haven't spotted it already.
Early January, however, things were set in motion that forced me to shift quite a bit of attention elsewhere, and still kinda are, though the biggest brunt should be over. Also didn't help that I got sick for a while (no, fortunately not the big C*), though I guess in the grand scheme of things, that didn't affect things too much (*as for that, in case you were wondering, it fortunately didn't affect me much at all so far, other than having to work from home and visiting my folks even less than usual).
So, here we are, the script finally mostly done (only thing "missing" would be descriptions for the stuff going on in a montage at the end/kinda epilogue for the chapter, even the "voice over" for that is there), but only about halfway through with the storyboard, a handful pages penciled, with only this done and the next one mostly inked.
So yeah, I'm afraid, after already taking a longer break than intended, there probably still won't be much of an improvement on the schedule. :/

Coming to the actual content at hand, another idea I played around with, but scrapped to finally get things going, was to wait until the next page was ready and release both at once, since they're not just kinda moving into another, but also so you'll finally get to see our little heroine again (and her parents, I guess :P) and I wouldn't return after so long with just a bit of a proportionally questionable landscape. :P
As for that, you probably won't find an exact match (I quite doubt there's a rail track that close to a steep drop like that ^^), but I'd say it's still a fairly familiar sight around my place of the country at least. Though I found myself keep thinking "No, that's not enough trees/shrubbery, needs more!" I mean, we have plenty sprawling fields - but there's still always space for more trees/shrubbery!
(it still looks much too sparse... Maybe I should go back and add some more... maybe also some flowe- No! NO! POST ALREADY!)

I feel like I may also have zoomed out a bit much maybe? Some of those spots are supposed to be like, cows and people... ^^;

As for that new update option I mentioned above, I already put it in the news on the main site and in the last page's comments, but since those might not get noticed: I've been my usual old man's self and made a Twitter account like a decade later - and now it's probably not cool anymore. But anyway, if you want to get updates there as alternative to the newsletter or forum posts or dropping by here randomly, you can find me @jimmy_wolk (not doing a link for reasons, but it apparently worked for some already).
To repeat what I already said there, as apology in advance to those who thought I'd might, and as reassurance to those who feared I would: I'm not gonna socialize much on there beyond what I'd usually do, ie. answering to questions and particular comments or otherwise reacting to something coming my way. I'm probably not going to seek out people to follow, have witty banter or feuds with other users, nor will I constantly post about everything in my life and my opinion of the weather.
I'd probably have to find out how most of that works anyway...
I set it up very much for the purpose as an alternative to the newsletter for those who don't want to give their mail to some little site. So it will most definitely focus on updates on mainly the comic, perhaps other pics and who knows, maybe someday for stories (no, that isn't a tease, nothing in the works atm). It'll definitely be centered around my works, so mainly anything Aki, I guess.
Though of course, if you do have something you'd like to see me having there (within those limits), feel free to let me know here or there. Not making any promises, as it'll still depend on whether I want/can do it, after all.
One thing I'm actually not sure of already - I know that you can post pictures there (somehow), so (somehow) I could directly post the pages directly there as well instead of just a link - but I don't know if I should? I kinda like getting feedback here...

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