Aki-chan's Life

Bonus - Advent wreath
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It's the second Sunday of Advent, so time to put on the second candle on the Advent wreath (that sounds almost scary ^^). It may be a bit odd to do this on the second rather than the first, but I already had to prepare two pics around that and most importantly - I wasn't sure whether to do one at all. I mean, they are quite common for sure, coming in various forms and sizes and be found in various places (though I kinda doubt they'd still have them in Kindergartens and Schools anymore these days, at least not with real candles; with today's fire hazard rules).
However, while we always had one (one time even one catching fire ^^), this is a custom that never really did all that much for me personally. It was always just another "why can't it be the last one already?!"-countdown to me, and I already had that with the advent calendar.

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